---> Invited Talks - Systematische Zoologie - LMU München
Systematische Zoologie




Invited Talks

Bergmeier F S; Stöger I; Poustka A; Schrödl M (2016)

Exploring Solenogaster (mito-)genomes

World Congress of Malacology. Penang, Malaysia.

Advances in decrypting the evolution of meiofaunal slugs

Keynote 5th International Workshop on Opisthobranchs. Porto, Portugal

The potential of museomics to revitalize the taxonomy of aplacophoran molluscs

Keynote Zoologische Systematik 108te Jahrestagung der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft. Graz, Austria

Challenges of including cryptic species into the Linnaean System: Towards a standard in molecular taxonomy

Keynote DZG Graduate Meeting Zoological Systematics, Bonn, Germany

Kryptische Diversität versteckt im Sand - Evolution mesopsammischer Meeresschnecken

Gastvortrag Kolloquium am Institut für Ökologie, Evolution und Diversität, Goethe Universität Frankfurt, Germany

Slugs on the move: the evolution of microslugs and their invasion of the mesopsammon

Gastvortrag Evolutionsbiologisches Kolloquium am Museum König, Bonn, Germany

Meiofaunal molluscs

Gastdozent des Workshops 'Taxonomy and diversity of marine meiofauna' am Centro de Biologia Marinha da USP, Sao Sebastiao, Brasil